The Council for State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation will be holding a virtual conference during the month of April 2021. The pre-conference and conference sessions will be spread out over three weeks. Pre-conference (Leadership and Directors Forums) are the first week, Conference Days 1-3 the second week, and Conference Days... read more →
Celebrate Black History Month by checking out National Disability Rights Network's initiative #DisabilityRightsInBlack from 2020. Each day in February they celebrated "a different profile via social media of a Black advocate or attorney who has previously influenced disability rights or who is currently making an impact in their communities. The series... read more →
TransCen's Positive Impact on My Son, Julio by Karen Kelly, Parent I would like to take this opportunity to share my experience with my son and his employment journey and WorkLink, the San Francisco program of TransCen Inc. My... read more →
Transforming Services and Staff for Jobs and Life in the Community Bring a team of leaders and staff to learn and discuss how to take your organization through a provider transformation planning process! This provider transformation webinar series takes organizations through the process of transformation planning. Based on the... read more →
Building Meaningful Lives Webinar Series: Putting People on a Pathway to Success Although the idea Employment First is gaining ground across the state, some people, especially those with more significant disabilities, still do not see community integrated employment as a viable option. For some people, giving up the structure and predictability of day programs or... read more →
Meet Ryan! Ryan has been on the front lines at a busy Safeway in San Francisco. Worklink helped Ryan secure her position at Safeway a number of years ago and continues supporting her employment there - even throughout the COVID crisis. WorkLink assists her in securing masks and gloves so... read more →
Now What? Reimagining and Rebooting Supports for People with Disabilities in our New World Thursday, December 10, 2020, 2:00 – 3:30pm ET The Coronavirus has flipped our world upside down, affecting our work, our families and our communities. While the DISRUPTION of our disability services system has been devastating, it... read more →
The SABE GoVoter Project is investigating issues around voting for people with disabilities. Whether you voted by mail-in or absentee, in-person by Early or on Election Day, you can help! The SABE GoVoter Project wants to know if you had any problems or questions about your voting experience from registering to... read more →
Read how we helped him find a perfect employment opportunity by exploring his skills and personal interests! Matt’s journey with us began when his upcoming internship was delayed due to COVID-19. His family reached out to our Wisconsin office - Creative Employment Opportunities (CEO) to see if we could help him.... read more →
YES! Center Three Part Webinar Series: Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Employment Systems Change for Youth with Disabilities October 15th, 22nd & 29th from 3pm-4:30pm ET The YES! Center is hosting a 3-part webinar series on Exploring the Intersection of Technology, Communication and Employment Systems Change for Youth with... read more →