Although the idea Employment First is gaining ground across the state, some people, especially those with more significant disabilities, still do not see community integrated employment as a viable option. For some people, giving up the structure and predictability of day programs or facility-based services for a job in the community seems daunting or impossible to manage. To address these issues and encourage the idea of work, TransCen, Inc. established Building Meaningful Lives, a program that braids waiver-funded “day services” with VR Employment services. Braiding services creates responsive, wrap-around supports that address each individual’s circumstances and needs. This training will discuss how to use Day Habilitation Services to build meaningful lives and create pathways to community employment for people with I/DD. The training will help providers reframe how we see “Day Programs” and will provide field-tested tools and strategies for building person-driven services and pathways to community employment.
Training Modules:
- Braided Model Services: We live in a world of competing challenges, priorities and solutions. Discover innovative strategies and practical ideas to leverage funding and staff capacity to promote shared outcomes of funding partners.
- Community Inclusion- Individuals with disabilities are one of the most marginalized and dis-empowered groups. Learn how to be part of the solution by implementing research-based practical strategies that promote individual purpose and meaning.
- Value Stream Mapping- Nothing in life is free. Understand how to document, analyze and improve the flow of your services or processes to maximize capacity and minimize wasteful spending or duplication of services. Proven lean-management techniques will be highlighted to assist you in identifying areas of strength, areas of inefficiency and how to implement a process for improvement.
- Guided Decision Making- Promote guided decision making with individuals you support by learning the strategies and practices that encourage individuals with disabilities exercising choice and making decisions about their own life.