Creative Employment Opportunities is TransCen’s Wisconsin-based transition and employment direct services provider, specializing in assisting job seekers with disabilities find employment.
Services for job seekers include assessment (i.e., identifying interests & skills), internships, individualized job development, and on- or off-the-job support. CEO provides individualized services to job seekers with disabilities by customizing all services to their needs.
CEO also provides services for businesses, which include training and technical assistance to educate and build employer capacity to reach out to one of the strongest labor & customer pools in the country – the disability community. CEO associates also provide training and technical assistance in various areas of interest regarding disability employment, employee diversity, and other areas of training to businesses and other organizations.
CEO, established in 1991, was founded by TransCen President Laura Owens. Since CEO’s and TransCen’s missions so perfectly align, the program was brought under TransCen in January 2017.
CEO is located in Milwaukee, WI.
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