WorkLink is TranCen’s San Francisco-based transition and employment direct services provider, specializing in assisting job seekers with disabilities find employment. WorkLink provides three levels of direct support for job seekers of disabilities:
Integrated Work – a braided service that combines supported employment and community-based day services for individuals with more complex support needs.
Supported Employment – for individuals whose main service need is employment support.
Competitive Placement – for individuals seeking professional positions.
WorkLink “operationalizes” best practices – its staff implements state-of-the-art services and develops effective tools and strategies that they then share with TransCen and the field. WorkLink’s staff works with state agencies, school districts, and service providers, and maintains effective relationships with countless employer partners. WorkLink has been operated by TransCen since 1996 and is funded by the Golden Gate Regional Center and by the California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR).