Please join TransCen in extending best wishes to Dale Verstegen, who is retiring from TransCen on September 30th after 14 years! Dale has been a valuable team member and contributor to TransCen and will be greatly missed by colleagues, partners and trainees across the country.
Over his 14 years at TransCen, Dale has worked on numerous federal projects, provided training to countless organizations and agencies, and helped develop and launch the ACRE curriculum on integrated employment, which has been a key training for practitioners across the country. His expertise in organizational change and employer engagement has assisted hundreds of direct support professionals in connecting the business community with qualified job seekers with disabilities.
We wish Dale well as he starts a new chapter in his life filled with travel and fun While he will be missed, we are excited to share that he will continue working with us on the Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council grant which is supporting five Maryland-based community service providers in their organizational change efforts. In his spare time, we are sure he will be spend a lot of time sailing, traveling and with his loved ones!
Thank you Dale for all your contributions!
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