Transforming Services and Staff for Jobs and Life in the Community
Bring a team of leaders and staff to learn and discuss how to take your organization through a provider transformation planning process!
This provider transformation webinar series takes organizations through the process of transformation planning. Based on the principles of Employment First, this planning process offers a framework for systems change that is based on the premise that ALL citizens, including individuals with significant disabilities, are capable of full participation in competitive integrated employment and community life. The series starts with preparing and leading change, provides a process and strategies for developing a transformational plan and concludes with a focus on realigning operations and funding. It’s recommended to participate in all three webinars since it takes organizations through the transformation process. However, if an organization is already in a transformation process, they may benefit from focusing on a specific stage in the transformation process.
Webinar 1: Preparing and Leading a Transformation Process
Thursday, February 11, 2021 – 2:00pm – 3:30pm ET
A successful provider transformation process starts with the commitment and preparation by the organization’s leadership team. Commitment needs to include the board of directors, staff and those we support. Preparation needs to include specific action steps including a self-assessment. The self-assessment provides everyone involved with a baseline of information that can be used to make decisions and develop a plan. This webinar will take you through this preparation process.
Topics Discussed:
- Criteria for performance excellence
- Setting the tone for change – encouraging learning and creativity
- Leadership transformation action steps
- Board engagement
- Self-assessment
Webinar 2: Transformation Plan and Organizational Redesign
Thursday, February 18, 2021 – 2:00pm – 3:30pm ET
Managing a complex organizational transformation process requires involvement by a broad range of individuals associated with the organization and a transformation plan to guide the chance process. Multiples planning activities are recommended to engage those involved in the planning process. These planning activities include strategic planning, value stream mapping and organizational redesign. This webinar will offer specific strategies and resources necessary to put together a transformational plan.
Topics Discussed:
- Strategic planning
- Managing complex change
- Value stream mapping
- Organizational redesign
- Measuring performance
Webinar 3: Realigning Operations, Staffing and Funding
Thursday, February 25, 2021 – 2:00pm – 3:30pm ET
With a broad based transformational plan in place, the focus turns to those we support and the staff that need to implement the employment and community integration services necessary to implement a successful transformation to community based services. Based on the funding available, designing community based, person centered supports become the last steps in the transformation process. This webinar will provide strategies and tools for maximizing staff resources and developing the skills necessary for successful employment and community integration outcomes
Topics Discussed:
- Person centered planning
- Setting the stage for employment
- Setting the stage for community supports
- Staffing considerations
- Basic building blocks and braided funding
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